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MissLopez´s cooking tips from Galicia: Fried oysters a la galega!

Hello Miss Lopez here. From the sunny Uruguay where Victoria Gomez is having her Christmast holidays to the cold Sweden in Scandinavia where I am now. By the way, did you know that people from Spain are called “Gallego” as so many emigrate to South America during last century to work in search of theirContinue reading “MissLopez´s cooking tips from Galicia: Fried oysters a la galega!”

Misslopez news: Spanish beaches, among world´s best again

Hi there!. I miss beaches from Spain where I come from and I tell you why!. One more year the Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC) has published the list of blue flags will fly this summer on Spanish beaches, something like the Michelin stars that reward environmental quality and health of world´s  beaches.Continue reading “Misslopez news: Spanish beaches, among world´s best again”