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All the way from Australia to be at Miss Lopez tapas cooking event with San Miguel 0.0 & more

Time to Miss Lopez tapas event again my friends! 🙂 So happy of having such a nice feeling with this new tapas group as well as a new follower all the way from Australia just came to join Miss Lopez group to work from Denmark & be at Miss Lopez tapas event at The HubContinue reading “All the way from Australia to be at Miss Lopez tapas cooking event with San Miguel 0.0 & more”

60 % more turnover after going to business course for women with Agneta Rythén Martin and Elisabeth Andersson Brinckmann

Interested in making a difference in your business? It may be true after you going to this course for business growth… in Swedish “AFFÄRSUTVECKLINGSPROGRAM   FÖR  KVINNOR   MED TILLVÄXTAMBITIONER” so if you are a woman from any land living in Sweden and an entrepreneur I think you should go… Any question contact Agneta RythénContinue reading “60 % more turnover after going to business course for women with Agneta Rythén Martin and Elisabeth Andersson Brinckmann”

My meeting with business coachers and their new course for business women coming soon

I´ll tell you about my meeing with these wonderful women at The Hub Stockholm, Agneta Martin Rythen from AFEMA and Elisabeth Andersson from VILJA LYSA. No doubt these women are the new business coachers on demand for the business woman. Check the pictures! Nothing like doing business with heart & passion!! 🙂 So much funContinue reading “My meeting with business coachers and their new course for business women coming soon”

Miss Lopez fan and new blogger coming soon

Hola amigos y amigas de Miss Lopez! I feel so good today after all the interesting business meetings & Miss Lopez projects all day. Here at the office at Östermalm, Stockholm with Paulina…Or should I say Miss Paulina? 🙂 This lovely lady I just met today is going to be the next blogger at MissContinue reading “Miss Lopez fan and new blogger coming soon”

Sustainergies at the Hub Stockholm for a more sustainable world & mentorship

I just came home after being at an event at the Hub Stockholm with Sustainenergies to Feelgood everybody!! 🙂 here at The Hub Stockholm with Swedish Linda Norrman coordinator at Sustainergies, American Alan Atkisson & Spanish Miss Lopez. We all speaking Spanish at The Hub. Cool! 🙂 Sustainable food at The Hub Stockholm A greatContinue reading “Sustainergies at the Hub Stockholm for a more sustainable world & mentorship”

Spanish tortilla lunch by Miss López

Tortilla lunch at the HUB Stockholm. In the picture my assisten Miss Stena, me Miss Lopez and Miss Barcelona. Thanks for helping me! Cool! 🙂 I expected five people but I got many drops in, three times more. Cool! 🙂 Here having lunch together today at Hub Stockholm. Interested you too in having a SpanishContinue reading “Spanish tortilla lunch by Miss López”

Do you fancy pancakes for breakfast?

Back to Stockholm, Sweden! Hello!  I love pancakes, do you? So this way started my Tuesday. Check it out! A tasty pancake made at The Hub for a good start of the day… The chef! A happy Jackie, host for The Hub Stockholm Blogger Marlena at Your Life and me before having breakfast Stefan fromContinue reading “Do you fancy pancakes for breakfast?”

Miss Lopez´s news: Cooking for progress with Ferrán Adriá & more. Food to change de world!

Hello amigos & amigas! For sure you have heard the expression “food is love” or “you´re what you eat”. I believe there must be some truth in it, don´t you? And the best of all comes when you combine food & creativity, to change the world too! Miss Lopez loves Love 🙂 I mean Food! inContinue reading “Miss Lopez´s news: Cooking for progress with Ferrán Adriá & more. Food to change de world!”

Lopez here! A good start of the day with mental & life coacher Mia Törnblom and tomorrow…

Here Miss Barcelona, Mia Törnblom and Miss Lopez  Hi amigos! A good start of the day with “probably” the best life coacher, and the most popular in Sweden for sure: Madame Mia Törnblom! founder of  MTGruppen. Cool! I went with Miss Barcelona to a breakfast in her office and I am so happy I´ve metContinue reading “Lopez here! A good start of the day with mental & life coacher Mia Törnblom and tomorrow…”

My meeting with EQ Swedish expert Louise Mebius. Emotional Intelligence to success. Yes!

Hola amigos! Miss López back on truck again! 🙂 I´ve just got a call from San Francisco about my blog and now I can blog again. Well today I am going to write about something that I call my favourite subject: human behaviour & EQ, in other words, emotional intelligence. I love it! 🙂 SoContinue reading “My meeting with EQ Swedish expert Louise Mebius. Emotional Intelligence to success. Yes!”