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Swedish skincare Lindarome now in La Coruna, Spain

Hola amigos! Tengo el placer de informaros que los productos de la marca LINDAROME de la que soy representante estan ya en la tienda Arvinda Salud y Belleza. hoy estoy cansadisima y casi me es imposible escribir estas lineas pero estoy tan contenta que no e quiero ir a dormir sin hacer este blog. LaContinue reading “Swedish skincare Lindarome now in La Coruna, Spain”

Vertical intrusion Lodrät intrång!

((SWEDISH) En god morgon till er alla. Igår tog jag en promenad bland gränder och gator jag så sällan ser… både på gott och ont! Stockholms innerstad har många vackra fasader och byggnader från 1800 talet som är enastående i både detaljutförande och arkitektonisk kvalite’  . Bland dessa hantverksbyggnader finns dock “lodräta intrång” . EttContinue reading “Vertical intrusion Lodrät intrång!”

Tapas, Healthy Sallad & Zara shopping in A Coruña

Still in La Coruña. These days it´s raining and I like it too. I think it would be boring “good” weather all days…and you? While in A Coruña there two good things I love to do. Becoming my tradition overtime I´m here…One it´s going Tapas runda all the way Estrella street with plenty of tapasContinue reading “Tapas, Healthy Sallad & Zara shopping in A Coruña”


Hola! Hoy me he torcido el tobillo. La primera hace muchos años cuando era adolescente en España…una sensación raro, como de volver al pasado. Siempre quiera o no me caigo una vez en el invierno por culpa de la nieve y el hielo en Suecia pero esta es la primera vez que me tuerzo elContinue reading “Esguince-Sprain-Vrickning”


Hi there, Miss Marisol here, back to you from La Coruña, Spain. Hope you were able to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower last night, it was amazing! Today, It´s very hot and humid in La Coruña and I decided to make some Gazpacho Cold Soup with my home grown tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, yes! from my ownContinue reading “GAZPACHO, COLD SOUP FOR THE SOUL!”

Tapas Cooking Tips from Spain, “TORTILLA ESPAÑOLA”

Hi there, Miss Marisol here, back from La Coruña, Spain! After such a pleasant day walking and shopping with Miss Lopez I decided to make myself a nice “Tortilla Española” and a salad for dinner. My Fave!!!! The “Spanish Tortilla” in Spanish “Tortilla Española” is also known as “Tortilla de Patatas”. It’s an omelet madeContinue reading “Tapas Cooking Tips from Spain, “TORTILLA ESPAÑOLA””

Tapas Cooking tips from Spain: ENSALADILLA RUSA!!!

Hi there, Miss Marisol here from La Coruña, Spain. How are things? Last Saturday Miss Lopez and I got together in our home town of La Coruña in Galicia, Spain. We had not seen each other since last New Year’s Eve and it was great to see her again, she looks great!!!! As you know,Continue reading “Tapas Cooking tips from Spain: ENSALADILLA RUSA!!!”

Miss Lopez and Miss Miranda together at Cervantes Institute and then Söder, Stockholm

Hello Latin Spanish Lovers!! 🙂 It´s very late so I´ll try to be short. As Miss Miranda told you we , the three of us Miss Lopez team had a great night at Söder, Stockholm with so much fun at the metro. I am afraid I should not tell you really as it was tooContinue reading “Miss Lopez and Miss Miranda together at Cervantes Institute and then Söder, Stockholm”