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Secrets of Paolo Roversis at Fotografiska Stockholm & Audi

Yesterday at Fotografiska in Stockholm sponsored by Audi Sp. Ayer me invitaron a la inaguracion de la exposicion del fotografo de moda Paolo Roversis uno de los mejores del mundo… Sv Igår at Fotografiska på öppningen av Paolo Roversis utställning Secrets med Audi som officiell partner. Kolla! Här nya Audi A3 sedan…cool! Jag & bilenContinue reading “Secrets of Paolo Roversis at Fotografiska Stockholm & Audi”

Travel fever…Bye Sweden…Hello Spain today

Hello amigos! I have travel fever already! I can not help it, specially when I come back to my home city in Spain, La Coruña! I doesn´t matter if I have been there thousend times… 🙂 Hola Que tal! Ya todo preparado para pasar mis vacaciones en España como de costumbre! Y ya sabeis primeroContinue reading “Travel fever…Bye Sweden…Hello Spain today”

Miss Lopez News: A Saint and many “angels” at San Valentine

Hello world from my Dear frozen Sweden!!! Miss Lopez here. From Italy back to Sweden. It´s so cold today outside!! Wellcome to the real Sweden at Miss Lopez!! Cool and beautiful during the day with this special scandinavian light. I have been invited to an ice guide tour I may go soon  and I hopeContinue reading “Miss Lopez News: A Saint and many “angels” at San Valentine”