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Really long working day. Friday at last

English/ now I feel like blogging to you in English. It’s been a while and actually I love English languages too. Do you realize I have been living my life as an expat in different countries though mostly in Sweden? Well whatever Today it’s been a long working day. Staring early in the morning atContinue reading “Really long working day. Friday at last”

Miss Lopez´s News: Healthy lunch at Östermalm, Stockholm with Miss Barcelona and…

MISS LOPEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hola amigos! Cómo están Ustedes? Today I feel like speaking Spanish to you. Would you like me to?…Maybe one day, and maybe soon…whatever it´s an idea as my mothertonge is Spanish and I love it! The language to talk to God! :), as a Spanish Emperor, Felipe II used to say long time agoContinue reading “Miss Lopez´s News: Healthy lunch at Östermalm, Stockholm with Miss Barcelona and…”