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First Tapas cooking course with Miss Lopez of the season at the Hub Stockholm

Yesterday the night was young… 🙂 so I am blogging today instead about my first tapas event of the season at The Hub Stockholm. Do you remmember I were going to have Spanish Tapas cooking courses with Lets deal? Check it out! Lots of fresh food… Me with the Spanish food on my back andContinue reading “First Tapas cooking course with Miss Lopez of the season at the Hub Stockholm”

Vardagslyx med Miss Lopez! A very healthy day: GI lunch and a magic massage

Hello! I feel better than ever! it works to have a healty life! Check what I did today…after & while my busy business day, good healthy GI food from Food for Life and a magic massage. I hope you like it too! GI Food from FOOD FOR LIFE. You know you can find this soContinue reading “Vardagslyx med Miss Lopez! A very healthy day: GI lunch and a magic massage”

Magic massage at San Valentine by Hälsoruset at Östermalm today for Miss López

I feel sooo good today after having a special massage at Halsoruset at Kaptensgatan 11, Östermalm, Stockholm by Marie Caspersson. Thank you so much! You save my Valentine! D) So magic! Nice! Me after just having an amazing massage with a bit of bowen method, aroma classic massage & healing. So cool! 🙂 I shouldContinue reading “Magic massage at San Valentine by Hälsoruset at Östermalm today for Miss López”