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Miss Stena wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a very Prosperous New Year!!!!

Here is Me, Miss Stena! 🙂 in our own little Christmas Celebration! What is Christmas without a tree and gifts, right?! I hope you enjoyed your holidays as much as I did, with family and loved ones! 🙂 We ate a combination of Swedish and Filipino dishes! A lot of food!!! 🙂 Here’s Me again,Continue reading “Miss Stena wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a very Prosperous New Year!!!!”

Nigella Lawson Chocolate Mousse Hello MissLopez fantastic readers!!! This is Miss Marisa again and as I think we all need to keep sweet after San Valentine’s day here you have a Chocolate Mousse recipe directly from Nigella Lawson’s show. Who can resist chocolate? I can’t, I love it, I need it to live better. Great cook and businessContinue reading “Nigella Lawson Chocolate Mousse”