Miss Lopez soon discovering Budapest with the collaboration of travel agency Orient Tours

Budapest! IÂŽll be there on Wednesday for two days and I have already done my luggage 🙂 itÂŽs going to be interesting as i have never been there and i have heard very good about Budapest…cool!
and if short (only two days really), twice as good! 🙂 I think Budapest is perfect as weekend trip if you live in Europe, isn®t it?
By the way, I am having a new info event about Spain with the collaboration of ORIENT TOURS for a more interesting travelling,  are you coming? HERE you may apply:!/events/218535944978361/
Spanish: De viaje otra vez, esta vez a la bella Budapest por dos cortos dias pero ya sabeis, lo bueno si breve dos veces bueno :)…y el dia 23 de este mes, evento con esta agencia de viajes y TurSpain!/events/218535944978361/

Swedish: Nu pÄ onsdag, Budapest i samarbete med ORIENT TOURS!! Förresten MISSA INTE mitt nÀsta event!/events/218535944978361/

Viva travelling collaboration & feelgood!
Viva good travelling! This is life & feelgood womanhood! 🙂