Miss Lopez´s news: Cooking for progress with Ferrán Adriá & more. Food to change de world!

Hello amigos & amigas! For sure you have heard the expression “food is love” or “you´re what you eat”.

I believe there must be some truth in it, don´t you? And the best of all comes when you combine food & creativity, to change the world too! Miss Lopez loves Love 🙂 I mean Food! in order to Feelgood… of course!
You know the best restaurant in the world, El Bulli from Barcelona with Spanish Ferrán Adriá is just closed but soon in 2014 El Bulli Foundation is coming. Look what I found out! The mission of this foundation is to breed new ideas, teaching new ways of cooking just as they do at normal universities. The kitchen of the future! It´s about getting food inspiration from all cuisines around the world. I´ve heard El Bulli has got a lot of inspiration from Japan. This is the Haute cuisine like in Fashion! Food for creativity!
The Bulli Foundation shall consist of a selection of students from the best schools worldwide, that will pass through the eyes of a jury set up by people of great international prestige as the Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz. Cool! In the words of Adrià: “The students compete against me and against the ideas of the future that I have in my head.”
And what about Food for Thought? . This is a new concept & Swedish company by Josefin Uhnbom, the founder, with the goal of building a profitable business to create meaningful work and sustained employment for long-term unemployed. Specially for women in need outside Sweden. Food for Thought will be working closely with stakeholders in the private, public and voluntary sectors. Josefin Uhnbom works with social entrepreneurship at SE Forum as well. Cool!
Check Josefin talking to the crowd at The Hub, Stockholm.

Nice with creativity for a good reason! I love it! 🙂
Viva food for doing good so feelgood! and cooking for progress to change the world!!!
FEELGOOD  WOMANHOOD everybody! by Miss López