Hi there, Miss Marisol here, from La Coruña. I ate some Rosquillas a the feria yesterday and it made me think about how good these pastries are when they are homemade so I decided to share the recipe with you!
- Ingredients for 4 servings: 1 egg, 450 grs of flour (I added a bit more), 200 ml of milk, 100 ml of olive oil 0,4º, lemon peel finely grated (half), two tablespoons of anise liquor or a teaspoon anise extract, 1 tea spoon of baking powder, ground sugar, light olive oil for frying and white powder sugar for serving.
Let´s make the rosquillas then:
- In a wide and deep recipient, mix the egg, the milk, oil, lemon peel and anise.
Mix the flour with the baking power in a different bowl.
With your hands, add and mix the mixture of the bowl into the wide and deep recipient until you get a dense dough. The consistency will depend on the anise spurt and size of the egg. Add more flour if you feel it’s necessary. The dough will be very sticky at first, but as soon as you get the above texture, is done. Knead a bit. - Give a Churro shape and cut in small dices. Make churro shape again and join the 2 ends to get a round shape.
In a small pot, pour olive oil to fry (0’4º light and out enough oil in the pot to deep-fry the Rosquillas), when hot but not burning, add the rosquillas one by one until they get a beautiful golden color. Place in a strainer so that the excess of oil leaves the rosquilla. Then place on kitchen paper.Put the powder sugar in a plate and coat the rosquillas there.
Wait until cold to eat, they are great with coffee or tea for breakfast or coffee break. Deliciosas! Enjoy and continue to Feelgood Womanhood with Miss Lopez´s recipes!
Los españoles sabemos lo ricas que son las rosquillas caseras así que espero que los que no viváis enEspaña y no sepáis como hacerlas probéis esta fácil receta y volváis temporalmente a la casa de vuestras abuelas mientras las saboreáis! Que las disfrutéis!