Miss Lopez back to work in Sweden with my new project: Global Kompetens!

Hello!! Miss López here!

I must confess that after my vacation I missed working. After all Miss Lopez is an entrepreneurial woman!! Viva entrepreneurship! and if it´s female even a bit better! 🙂 So Feelgood Womanhood! We women have so much to give to the world!! Global competens everywhere!

I am so happy today I´ve had the pleasure to meet Miss Lopez´s marketing manager, Miss Barcelona. We haven´t seen each other for more than a month and she told me about the big potential of Miss Lopez as a global marketing platform. She has been in France, Amsterdam and Spain this summer and everywhere she has been received with opened arms as part of Miss Lopez concept. She got in many places as press and you know what?, she has been in Barcelona with Ferrán Adriá´s brother, this Spanish cuisine genius to blog about El Bulli & more in our blog…Cool! Viva women´s entrepreneurship!!

Well well, and now I´d like to introduce You my new project in Sweden, Stockholm, and of course in order you to Feel good too: Globalkompetens! Check it out!

This new project is to help allians in Sweden to quickly establish  in the Swedish society. The service costs nothing and is for those who just moved to Sweden.

Global Kompetens is an introduction guide in order to:

Get in touch with the labor market and find relevant activities
Get knowledge about starting  own business
Get relevant application documents to work or study
Get the right support to match integration´s needs

So I´m working on it!

Viva business to help people & Feelgood everybody! Viva Clobal Kompetens too!!

More info:
