Miss Marisa’s recipes, today Gordon Ramsay sublime scrambled eggs

Buon Giorno Miss Lopez’s readers, today we cook here.
Probably you’re working and studying the whole day and when you arrived home can not cook or are too tired to do it, that’s why I love fast and simple recipes because we all need to cook to take care about our health and enjoy the happiness of preparing something for us and our families and friends without having to ‘work hard’ for doing it.
I Love Gordon Ramsay, you all probably know this ‘terrible’ chef from Hell’s kitchen reality, but Gordon the exigent cooking  teacher, has a lot of other shows on TV and is impossible not to be contagious with his passion for cooking and his research of perfection in any dish he prepares.
This time he brings us a simple but fabulous scrambled eggs recipe we can prepare on sunday, when we have more free time and inspiration.
I hope you like it and find peace cooking to feel  good  womanhood!!!