Misslopez tips: Find time to pursue your dreams!

Hello!. This is me, Maria Isabel Lopez: Misslopez  so you get an idea of who is writting….
I must say this is one of my favourite subjects: philosofy!. Didn´t you know?. Finding the meaning of things, I love it!. And now I share with you my thoughts.
Like when someone says, “I have no time ” that is the number one excuse for not pursuing a dream or getting things done.  The thing is you can actually turn a dream into a goal if you put in writing and marks a deadline. But how do you find the time to devote to your dream, whether writing a novel, learn to crochet, design jewelry, running a marathon, back to college or take classes in tap dancing?
Easy if you think! (and the most important, if you want it):
1 .- Make a list of all the things you do on any given day that you do not really need to do, but you do anyway. Some have become the norm. Then, the most common:
– Spending hours on Facebook
– Chat
– Watching TV
– Gossip
2 .- Now make a list of everything you want to do but do not because you think you have no time. It can be anything, but I give some examples:
– Write a book
– Train yourself to a 5k, half marathon or marathon
– Go to school for jewelry design
– Start business
– Take belly dancing classes or Zumba!
3 .- Now set a goal to stop all at once the  things on the list number one and “pronto”, you have time to do things on the list number 2. It is about knowing what you want and giving it the priority it needs.
It’s not magic, but it works. I have further simplified my life and in the last months I managed to write, study, work…. And I thought I had no time!
Well I was wrong! I hope you too!.
Life is about finding the right things for you!.
Get what you really want and Feelgood!!!!!