Misslopez yoga tips: new asanas for you and Feelgood
Hello in a nice Sunday morning . Today I have the pleasure to present you three new asanas with Misslopez yoga expert, Marisol Hume from Chile living in Sweden. Asanas means, yoga postures as you can see in the picture. Check it out and most important of all, practice them! to Feelgood and even better.
1 – Virabhadrasana A / “Warrior Posture A”, (left). This position is performed standing (standing). The front leg is placed parallel and bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The back leg hip rotation is placed * inside foot at 45 degrees. It remains the position during the course of 3-5 deep breaths, and then proceed with the other leg. It is an excellent position to strengthen the legs, and stretch spine and arms.
2 – Tittibhasana / “Insect Posture” (top right). This is a position of balance that is carried out on the upper extremities. To bring and hold the body on the arms, finding the right balance of weight pulling the legs at the shoulders. It remains the position during the course of 5-10 deep breaths. It is an excellent position to strengthen the wrists, forearms, arms and shoulders. Like everything on the arms balance, has two characteristics:
a-These are the backbone to the horizontal plane.
b-The only body surface that is in contact with the ground, is the hands.
3 – Posture of preparation (below) to: Matsyasana / ” Fish Posture “& Uttana Padasana /” Extended Leg Posture “
Padasana Uttana Matsyasana and positions require a high degree of flexibility in the extension direction of movement of the spine so keep this in mind. Also add the requirement of legs in the lotus position, or elevation of legs respectively which significantly increases the degree of difficulty.
This approach frees the work of the legs, and focuses on the extension movement of the spine, lying on your back, arching the spine as a fulcrum having forearms, and head. Is maintained during the course of five deep breaths. Beginners should practice self-taught and get supervised by an expert in yoga.
2 – Tittibhasana / “Insect Posture” (top right). This is a position of balance that is carried out on the upper extremities. To bring and hold the body on the arms, finding the right balance of weight pulling the legs at the shoulders. It remains the position during the course of 5-10 deep breaths. It is an excellent position to strengthen the wrists, forearms, arms and shoulders. Like everything on the arms balance, has two characteristics:
a-These are the backbone to the horizontal plane.
b-The only body surface that is in contact with the ground, is the hands.
3 – Posture of preparation (below) to: Matsyasana / ” Fish Posture “& Uttana Padasana /” Extended Leg Posture “
Padasana Uttana Matsyasana and positions require a high degree of flexibility in the extension direction of movement of the spine so keep this in mind. Also add the requirement of legs in the lotus position, or elevation of legs respectively which significantly increases the degree of difficulty.
This approach frees the work of the legs, and focuses on the extension movement of the spine, lying on your back, arching the spine as a fulcrum having forearms, and head. Is maintained during the course of five deep breaths. Beginners should practice self-taught and get supervised by an expert in yoga.
Find peace with yoga every day of the week and Feelgood
More at Marisol Hume´s Blog