Misslopez shares Spanish recepts in a Swedish magazine coming soon

Hello!. Yesterday I´ve had the pleasure to be the protagonist of a reportage in a Swedish magazin coming soon. I´ll tell more you later.
I have had the change to share  recipes of typical Spanish meals, such as tortilla, paella and of course sangria. About the dessert I wanted to be more original with my own Misslopez dessert: lemon soup al champagne o cava with strawberries. Here it comes my recipe:

Number of persons: 4

2 tablespoons lemon sorbet
½ cup champagne
10 strawberries
Mix the lemon sorbet with champagne or Spanish cava. Arrange in a bowl and finish with strawberries. You can leave in the freezer, if strawberries get frozen don´t worry, it´s OK.
It looks very nice in a nice glass if you want to try.
Enjoy Misslopez dessert at your best party and Feelgood